After they escape the Ghosts, Primo decides to take care of Yusei personally, but Bruno hits his Duel Runner to make him lag behind. Arriving just in time, he uses " Buster Shotman" to remove the monsters the Ghosts played. Transforming back to his original self, he calls forth his Delta Eagle and heads over to Yusei. At this time Bruno gets back part of his memory by Iliaster's god. Yusei is afraid that if the Ghosts attacks continue he will lose. As Primo observes, he says the true hell begins now for Yusei and laughs. Although they're able to ward them off at first with their Synchro monsters and Yusei using the Trap Card " Synchro Prominence", Sherry and Elsworth are overpowered and defeated, leaving only Yusei to stand up to them. As Yusei, Sherry, and Elsworth deal with the Ghosts and defeat more, Primo has the remaining Ghosts all converge on them. Yusei and Jack learn about the Ghosts, and go Dueling the Ghosts, while Crow is talked into staying by Luna and Leo as he would just be a burden with his wounded shoulder. Primo watches, saying for them to draw the Circuit if they value their lives. The Ghosts invade the WRGP, Dueling people using Battle Royal rules. Meanwhile Primo sends out an army of Ghost, telling them to descend the City into chaos. Sherry, who was watching the Duel try to see Nicolas's Deck, as she believes she has a lead to Iliaster, but the card she wants to look at vanishes. Because they cannot pass their Duel runner on to their third person, they're defeated, resulting in Team 5D's victory. The explosion sends Nicolas's Duel Runner against a wall and blows up. Jack manages to save himself and Nicolas by using " Power Giants" effect. He activates it in an attempt to finish off Jack, but is surprised that the card is damaging him as well, but Primo says he's served his purpose. Nicolas then takes over as the next Wheeler, claiming he still has one more card of darkness and then says to Jack that "Hook the Hidden Knight" wasn't his only card of darkness, shocking the gang. Ĭrow continues to evade the monster's shadow attacks, and manages to defeat it using " Black-Winged Dragon" and " Gravity Collapse". Yusei wonders just who Team Catastrophe is. It becomes clear to the others that this isn't a normal card. As it uses its effect against Crow's attack, Crow notices a strange hook aim for his wheel and barely manages to avoid it.

The first round sees Crow against Hermann, who instantly summons "Hook the Hidden Knight". Despite his shoulder not being fully healed, Crow decides to take her place in their match against Team Catastrophe.
Crow gets upset and wants to go beat up Team Catastrophe, but Yusei convinces him to settle it in their Duel. Akiza gets hit by the same phenomenon, and her Psychic powers fail, as she loses it, to save her from getting injured. After studying a video Carly gave them, the Signers believe it to be linked to a monster called "Hook the Hidden Knight". Team 5D's are later visited by Breo, and study the memory chips of Jean and Andre's Duel Runners, revealing something had caused their wheels to suddenly lock up and crash, the same reason why Crow crashed. Team 5D's prepare to face up against Team Catastrophe, the leader of which, Nicolas, has been given a card of darkness by Primo. participate as Team 5D's in order to stop their plan. Iliasters are aiming to use the WRGP to fuel their plans to complete the Grand Design. In order to celebrate the unification of the Satellite Sector with New Domino City, New Domino City is hosting the World Racing Grand Prix sponsored by various people.